How does a racing simulator help ordinary people become race car drivers?
Author: Dinibao release time:2020-07-20 14:23:41CTR:
Racing enthusiasts have always been spectators, and now you can experience the fascinating race of racing through the racing simulator. The single design of the racing simulator uses the first-class real racing materials, and the steering wheel is made of carbon fiber. It is forged and cast with the racing die, which can perfectly simulate the acceleration of the car body in the racing game and the different tilt and deflection angles of the car body. It is said that a good racing simulator has a surreal sense of motion, as well as immersive effects and charming shapes. So let's take a look at how the car simulator can help ordinary people to become racing drivers!
As long as the wheel, is to open a stimulation was racing game. At first, when you hold the steering wheel, looking at the screen, quickly entered a state of racing, the car engine to send "cheep ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ uh uh uh uh... Er Er Er Er Er "sound; Body when the startup speed obviously felt the body forward force; And in the process of and other race car and try to overtake each other body shaking, shaking.
When the next car "whoosh" from your side, your fighting spirit is ignited immediately, so step on the accelerator, hold the steering wheel, increase the horsepower, catch up with... Suddenly feel a very exciting feeling of pushing back.
When the vehicle turns the road, the four cylinder servo motor can simulate the action of braking and the front of the car cutting into the curve. If you don't brake at the right time and grasp the angle of the steering wheel, you can easily float out of the original track, which is not the "perfect drift" you imagine. When going uphill, it is obvious to increase the accelerator than on the flat ground, so that there is enough power to rush up. Of course, when I am faced with various kinds of road bumps, road ups and downs, passing water and falling in the air, the instantaneous gravity acceleration can be strongly felt in the soulfeeling racing car simulator. This ultra realistic reality enables me to achieve the feeling of immersive
This gives you a real racing experience of the car simulator is completely able to improve the actual driving technology. Maybe games can't, but simulators can. For racing simulator, simulation is the most important one.
It is understood that soulfeeling body feeling racing car is the most professional and realistic racing simulator developed by x-motion for Chinese racing enthusiasts. Its fashionable appearance, fine response, real body feel, enhanced virtual reality simulation technology, in the handling and acceleration and braking and other aspects can be comparable to the real car, has a good reputation in the industry. The purpose of a racing simulator is to allow aspiring drivers to hone their racing skills at a relatively low cost (even 300000 equipment, which is much cheaper than a season of entry-level events). Even professional racers can use simulators to familiarize themselves with new tracks, as well as some overtaking tactics.
It is true that professional racers selected from the real world through the racing simulator exist. The advanced professional circle of keyboard drivers is not a dream in terms of driving technology. For example, Zheng Wancheng, the God of simulated racing, is a successful example. Most of the time, it is just whether your perseverance can support you to switch from the virtual world to the real world.
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